Contact us
Contact details
Please email to book a visit. Or contact the museum for more details or to get in touch about special requests or specific information.
Step into the largest painting of the Netherlands!
Planning to visit the Museum with a group as a tour operator? We look forward to welcoming you. Please note that no more than 50 people will fit on the Panorama viewing platform.
Download the hand out to get a quick impression of your visit as a tour group to the museum.
For a group of 15 people or more, ticket prices are €13.50 per visitor. The entrance fee for 14 people or less is the regular entrance fee of €16.00 for an adult. One guide or companion may accompany every 15 visitors free of charge.
Please inform the participants of your tour or group about the house rules:
The museum is located at Zeestraat 65, 2518 AA The Hague.
Touringcar or bus
Touringcars and buses can not park directly in front of the museum entrance, please inform the busdriver to park in front of the Carlton Ambassador Hotel located at Sophialaan 2, 2514 JP The Hague.
Toilets can be found next to the cafe and shop and also in the corridor leading up to the panorama. A wheelchair accessible toilet is next to the cafe.
The cafe has 30 - 35 seats available.
Payment by card is preferred. Please note that bank notes of 200 euro and 500 euro are not accepted.
Stair lift
The Museum is at ground level, but the platform to view the Panorama painting is accessed by means of a spiral staircase with 23 steps. This staircase has handrails along both sides.
There is a stair lift present but due to the Panorama’s listed status, its capabilities are somewhat limited. A museum staff member has to operate the stair lift. Please inform the museum before your visit if you want to use the stair lift, or read more about the accessibility.
Looking for a souvenir or keepsake from your visit to Museum Panorama Mesdag? The shop offers a product range from stylish vases to decorative designer plates, exciting children's art books and beautiful Museum Panorama Mesdag umbrellas, puzzles and cake tins.
There are free audio tours available with stories about the permanent collection of works by Hendrik Willem Mesdag and Sientje Mesdag-Van Houten and the world famous Panorama.
We kindly request you to let the participants of your group download the online tour in advance in order to prevent long queues at the entrance.
Go to the instructions for the online audio tours
The audio tours are available in the following languages:
Contact us
Please email to book a visit. Or contact the museum for more details or to get in touch about special requests or specific information.