Special connection
Suze Robertson & Museum Panorama Mesdag

Suze Robertson, Lost in Thought, c. 1901–05, oil on panel, 56 x 46 cm, private collection.
Suze Robertson & Museum Panorama Mesdag
Museum Panorama Mesdag has a special connection to Suze Robertson's life and work. Hendrik Willem Mesdag and Sientje Mesdag-van Houten, the married couple who founded the museum, were friends with Robertson and avid collectors of her work.
Extensive study of Robertson's oeuvre
Book Suze Robertson
The exhibition will be accompanied by a richly illustrated standard work. This represents the first extensive study of Robertson's oeuvre and her place in the history of Dutch art, all in the context of her era. Authors are Kees van der Geer, Annemiek van Stokkom and Suzanne Veldink.
This publication will be in stores on 20 June 2022, published by Scriptum Art Books, The Hague.
Order online
It is possible to buy the publication via the webshop of the museum (Dutch only).

With thanks to
This exhibition was made possible with the support of
Gifted Art
Stichting Pieter Haverkorn van Rijsewijk
Stichting Victor
De Frans Mortelmans Stichting
Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds – het Van der Vossen-Delbrück Fonds
Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Zuid Holland
Stichting Behoud Panorama Mesdag
Van den Broek Lohman Fonds Nunspeet
Verschillende particuliere schenkers
Vereniging Vrienden Nieuwe Kunst 1900
Fonds 21